The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48414   Message #727691
Posted By: Áine
11-Jun-02 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 83
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 83
Hi Challenge!rs! Did you think I'd forgotten 'bout ya? No, I didn't - I just had a lot of trouble getting online yesterday. Things seem to be better today, though. Alrightey, here are the B.L.O.B.s so far -- and a right proud job you've all done!!

To Sinsull, for this itty bit of icky imagery:

Casuarina folk are even divided.
Some cheer the increased speed.
But some prefer the slower pace
And gore and bloody feed

To Amos, for this appetizing bit(e):

Now Janie said to her pacer,
Pacer, pour me that tea and cream
'Cuz I'm pouring on hots and I'm cutting five knots,
Just look at that chlorine steam, Lord, Lord
Just look at that chlorine steam

To Genie, for this awful purty picture:

They say that croc's jaws are taped shut,
He's only a shadow.
They say that croc's jaws are taped shut,
But, Ow! If he breaks it, there go my nuts!
I won't have no 'nads at all!

To mousethief, for this view from the croc's eye:

See him gaily swim about
So if you scream and shout
We'll know that you're swimming slow
With such a croc the coach inspires
our swimmers to swim their best
Cos they don't want to be et, you know.

To derrymacash, for his croc's eye view, too:

I was one day assigned, to trail close behind
A swimmer who's in a big league
And as I approached, as directed by coach
I detected some metal fatigue
I seized on my chance and I lunged for his pants
And my muzzle no longer held fast
I dined on his nethers, his torso was severed
But the finishing time was world class

And to DonD, for this lovely regional touch:

The cobbers and sheilas rolled like big ten-wheelers,
When they saw a croc was a-tailing,
They set record times in those tropic climes.
Said the coach, my plan is not failing!

You're doing swimmingly, Challenge!rs -- Keep it going!!

-- Áine