The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48450   Message #727922
Posted By: Gamine
11-Jun-02 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Womanly Jiggles. What's the verdict?
Subject: RE: BS: Womanly Jiggles. What's the verdict?
Oh no! I was so misunderstood!! Herga Kitty, please believe me that I sympathize with you (though it doesn't seem I did a very good job with it). The "UGH!" above was an UGH of the "I know what you mean" variety of ughs. I, too, have that problem buying jeans, I too did not wear jeans for a long time and if I did they were several sizes too big for me and then "cinched". And I did not necessarily want to advertise Levi's either. My husband hears me lament so much about not being able to find jeans that fit me right, (sounds like fit ANY woman right, regardless of size), that he found the Levi's link for me.... oh,oh, oh how I sink inside when I think my voice has been heard in any other tone than I meant it to be. If you only knew how BIG my husband was when I met him you would know why his old jeans fit me now (just a hint: he's 6'5"!!!! and not thin)

I really *did* start this thread to see what the big deal was about jiggles...I really really really did.

I am sooo sorry.