The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40507   Message #728094
Posted By: musicmick
12-Jun-02 - 12:59 AM
Thread Name: Songs You Sing In the Shower
Subject: RE: Songs You Sing In the Shower
Well, Genie, I'd kind of like to remember them, myself. Maybe Tim and David (the two and only true members of the Sadie Green Sales band) have them written somewhere. I just dashed them off between sets. Writing them was a chore of love. I had to keep to Michael Flanders' rhyme scheme and progression of polysylabils and there are only so many ways of describing hippopotimi (hippopotimuses?) in a single word. Pachyderm comes to mind, so I must have used that one in one of my annual epics.

I'll search my notes to see if there are any remnants, but I wouldn't bet the ranch. In a pinch. I suppose I could knock one out, but it would lack the gilt of nostalgia.

Mike Miller