The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47526   Message #728443
Posted By: CheesyGareth
12-Jun-02 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: the funny business of names
Subject: RE: BS: the funny business of names
More people know me as "cheesy" than any other name so when I go to something like this page thats my real name. In the old travelling tradition it was concidered wise to travel under a "nickname", you would not tell anybody except your closed circle of friends your own birth name, lest the devil might hear you and this although its not as paranoid of satanic forces as the long arm of the law (who keep a file of people with nicknames) that most people assume them today, many indigenous folk cultures and pagan beliefs have a naming ceremony, can someone let me know more about these, its ok, I dont need to know your name!