The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48335   Message #728615
Posted By: Den
12-Jun-02 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: IN-GER-LAND!
Subject: RE: BS: IN-GER-LAND!
That had to be the dullest match of the cup so far. Nigeria played there second string team and still played better football than England. The English team had better pull their socks up I'm sure that they will find the Danes much more up for the challenge and if they play the way they did against Sweden and Nigeria then I don't hold out much hope for them. I felt sorry for Argentina they play such attractive attacking football but Sweden were resolute at the back and strong on the counter. I also feel sorry for the S. Africans what a way to go out. Anyway bring on Spain. I will be in Atlanta on Sunday anyone been to the Fado pub. I hope to watch the Ireland game there on tape delay at 2:00 pm. Den