The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48349 Message #728821
Posted By: Yorkshire Tony
12-Jun-02 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time for a TAVERN thread-bring yer thong
Subject: RE: BS: Time for a TAVERN thread-bring yer thong
YT takes up where Art left off - the singing is still off-key but at least the accent is genuine. He then starts rambling about not seeing what all this excitement is about thongs - he saw lots of blokes and shielas in thongs on his last visit to Australia and didn't find the cheap rubber footwear at all tittilating - you can't even walk through a decent peat bog in them without risking losing them forever. As for sheep - he didn't see any inflatable ones like Taffy's in NSW but heard many strange things about New Zealanders.