The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6291   Message #72928
Posted By: The Shambles
23-Apr-99 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: Parody : Good or bad?
Subject: RE: Parody : Good or bad?
I think it says something for the forum that, having started this thread, a little time ago, that I have found myself writing, yes, a parody! It is using the tune of 'A Rambling Irishman' and can be found here A Bumbling Englishman.

To my complete amazement. I have now found myself in complete agreement with Jack (who is called Jack), who said. "The complaint that started this thread was along the lines of "Why not be original?". My point (and it is a small point), was that its not always better to be completely original, and that it is occasianally more effective to (copy, borrow, steal, or whatever you want to call it) and modify something someone else has written or said." And Bert, who said. "Sometimes an existing song just seems a better fit than creating something completely new."

I found the above to be true in this case, when I had something to say and felt that this was the very best way to do it. It still surprises me though.

Barbara said "Parody serves a purpose, it can be and is overdone, and it takes a strong original to survive a good parody".

And I said "The best songs are a delicate balance between the words and the music and are best left alone".

Well, since writing the parody, I can't get the tune out of my head and the lyrics that I hear with it, stubbornly refuse to change from the original!!!

I know now, how St Paul felt, on the road to Damascus.