The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10464   Message #72937
Posted By: Sheye
23-Apr-99 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs about duct tape
Subject: RE: duct tape
Being a Canadian Prairie girl, I remember that all farm pick-up trucks had mandatory repair kits, which always included duct tape and binder twine. Add a butter knife and a girl can fix anything.

Duct tape: No woman should be without it. It now has a place in history in breaking the glass ceiling. My workgroup had to give a presentation to a panel of CEO's and we got an inside tip that the entire panel was male. The competition was stiff and all groups were using every possible tactic to get better exposure and to make the best possible impression on the panel.

A member of the group suggested the females add strapless cleavage to our already first-class presentation, which led to complaints of the uselessness of tape-up bras. One girl said she uses duct tape. (She keeps a roll in her bedroom for emergencies. I didn't ask what constituted an emergency). The only problem was getting it off: a hot, oily bath, a s-l-o-w lifting procedure, and saying good-bye to a layer of skin. Having been a sports kid in my younger days, my don't-leave-home-without-it item was Pro-wrap, which she had never heard of. We have now created the perfect push-up bra. The Pro-wrap minimizing contact with skin wherever possible, and support in all the right places~!~!

(We won.)

We took it a step further and made ribbons (like the black, red, white ones people wear to show support for various causes), to wear when giving presentations. It helps break the nervousness, because we have this 'inside joke' that we can share. If you're getting a little tense, just looking at a partner's ribbon brings back memories of a very creative planning session and a smile!
