The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10464   Message #72943
Posted By: Sheye
23-Apr-99 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs about duct tape
Subject: RE: duct tape
Hi katlaughing!

Here ya go:

Tape-up bras are useless to anyone bigger than a size A. They are crescent-shaped, somewhat stiff pieces of tape that are applied to the underside of your breasts to give support when wearing strapless tops/gowns. Great theory, but the makers should consider 'industrial strength' as a possible marketing technique.

Pro-wrap is a skin-coloured thin foamy gauze that you wrap your feet (or hands or whatever ails you) with prior to taping up, so the tape doesn't stick to your skin. It is stretchy and strong and pourous, so breathes a little bit better than tape. It also sticks to itself, at least long enough to keep everything in place until you can get the tape on.

Ah, the things you learn at the 'cat!!
