The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6291   Message #72949
Posted By: Rick Fielding
23-Apr-99 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: Parody : Good or bad?
Subject: RE: Parody : Good or bad?
The funniest (musical) take-off on reality I have ever heard was written and performed by Peter Sellers about 40 years ago. Titled "Puttin' On the Style", it lampooned Lonnie Donegan, his times, and his works with some of the most brilliant writing I've ever heard. I used to play it for musical friends (who were familiar with the skiffle craze) until I realised sadly that my idea of humour was far narrower than I'd imagined. Most folks listened blankly, or started to talk a minute or so into it. Some had no reaction to the satirical part but perked up when remembering the actual tune of "puttin on the Style", and seemed to be totally unaware that "new" lyrics were being used. Sadly, I accepted that I'd have to laugh again and again in private. I guess this is how some of us get convinced early in life that we have a substantial "weirdo" side to us.

'Course it's not only music. When I hear someone mention "Blackadder", or "Ab-Fab", or Tom Lehrer, Peter Schickele, or even "The Larry Sanders Show", I grab 'em quickly. I might not like their shoes or tie, but there's a hell of good chance we'll laugh a lot.

If anyone's curious, the Sellers' "bit" is on an old album called "Songs for Swingin Sellers" and the whole thing is hilarious. (if you like that kind of thing)