The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48349   Message #730329
Posted By: Susan A-R
14-Jun-02 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time for a TAVERN thread-bring yer thong
Subject: RE: BS: Time for a TAVERN thread-bring yer thong
Guinness on tap with a lovely shamrock to boot. Let's drive the IRS right out of yer mind (oops, better pay me quarterlies, or they'll show up for sure.) Anyway, how does guinness go with vietnamese spring rolls (the non-fried kinc_ and Drunkard's Noodles (The heat's supposed to drive those hangovers away, I guess.) Well, maybe a Sing Ha or two instead, and theGuinness to go with these lovely potato, cabbage and cheese pastries. I'm off to play a little more fiddle with that odd fellow with the plastic banjo who shambled back in. Looked like he lost an arguement with his brother earlier on, and he's got his case (with the tag still on, hmmm $35.00) out for money. I guess he can use all the help he can get. I suppose he knows B"oil them Cabbage Down." Smells like he does anyway. Hmmm, was this a good idea . . .