The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48605   Message #730785
Posted By: Celtic Soul
16-Jun-02 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
To cite an example...

The Government has committees and adds new branches and staff every year. It has more and more money that it filters off of tax payers. Does it do any better now than it did when it did not have zillions of branches, departments, staff members and committees? I'd say no. The more complex you make a system, the more apt it is to have *more* red tape, *more* inefficiency, *more* time delays, and *more* expenditures.

What I'd like to know is why anyone needs to have their hands in someone elses website, anyway? Just because it's interactive does not mean that it is not someones property as much as any number of personal sites of peoples vacation, their pets, or their homes (though I'd say it's a heck of a lot more useful).

If anyone has fears about how the money donated is spent, don't send any. You still have access even if you don't donate.

Someone provides this site to the world at large, it is *free*. It may not be state of the art, but I'll be damned if I know of many others that can give me the lyrics I want all in a one stop shop, *and* a forum for sharing information, chat, and questions. And, (as described the last time this came up) it's a free meal. Why not be gracious by eating it and saying thank you?