The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48605   Message #730935
Posted By: GUEST,Shenandoah
16-Jun-02 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
The issue of "create your own site" that doesn't work has to do with the value of Digital Tradition, not the forum.

Those of us with a serious interest in the music aren't particularly enamoured with the forum, it is the database of songs we are interested in seeing improved and maintained to a high standard. In fact, if you are looking for information about songs in the database in the forum archive, it is just plain frustrating to use. And the amount of uncorrected errors in the database, which have been there now for years, is really inexcusable.

For this site to be truly useful to the constituency who would like to use it for serious music research, the BS threads are what should have gone to an annexe long ago. The main forum should have been limited to discussion of the content in or to be added to the database.

The truly sad thing about this website is that all of these positive changes, which could and should have been made long ago, were stubbornly and obnoxiously resisted by the site owner. The amount of work to whip the site into shape now makes it a much more daunting task than it ever needed to be. And the new bells and whistles which are supposedly coming won't deal with the core problems here. DT Study threads can't fix those, and nor will BS filters.