The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48605   Message #731053
Posted By: GUEST,Shenandoah
16-Jun-02 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
Big Mick, Max, Jeff, and Joe did not give us the gift of the Digital Tradition, they've just managed to screw it up, possibly beyond redemption.

I am not here complaining because this website isn't giving me what I want. I'm here complaining because this website owner has squandered the opportunity to do something of real value for the online folk and blues community, which could serve the folk and blues music community for years to come. But rather, he chose to selfishly take control of the painstaking work done by many, many others who have both collected for and contributed to the Digital Tradition, and keep it as his own. That is cultural theft of the worst kind, IMO.

Given us a gift? Fat chance. He stole what was never his, and refuses to open it up to those who are truly willing to make the DT something really special for the good of ALL folk and blues music lovers, not just the handful who inhabit this forum.