The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48605   Message #731075
Posted By: Amos
16-Jun-02 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
Actually, you widdle tweefwogs, the Digital Tradition is maintained by voluntary spare-time work by Dick, Susan and a few honest, unafraid people who are always interested in suggestions for improvements.

I think uniformly the spirit of the responses you are getting, Shenny-me-lad, is "if you want ti done better, see what you can do to help and communicate about it". But I must say your condescending pseudoi-patronizing tone is likely to result in a communication barrier similar to the one you seem to be experiencing here.

I would like to see less critical unsubstantiated generalities, and more specific, concrete suggestions for improvements and offers of volunteer hours to spend making it happen. You don't need to be a data base expert to tabulate improved information on the songs in the DT, and a simple tab-delimited text file or Excel spreadsheet of your updates or improvements would be relatively easy to import into the database.

If I were as anxious as you pretend to be to see these enhancements, I'd get in touch with Dick Greenhouse about volunteering, insteading of carping all the diem long like some wet-eared whippersnapper with a debilitating lack of cojones and heart.