The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48605   Message #731155
Posted By: GUEST,Shenandoah
16-Jun-02 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
I disagree that things can't be changed--that is never true. We all have a duty to ourselves and to one another to speak our own truth with integrity and conviction--and in most instances, without compromise. This is one of those instances for me. The Digital Tradition is a collection of songs that belong to all of us, not Max. I consider his mistreatment of OUR resource to be an act of cultural theft, pure and simple. I know that ruffles feathers, but that doesn't trouble me a bit.

If enough of the folk and blues music community brings pressure to bear on the site owner, change will come. Why will it come? Because the collection of songs in the Digital Tradition is much more important than the one man hell bent on controlling that collection. I'm confident time will prove me right, not Max. The songs will live long and far beyond him, or any of us. The only thing that matters is the care we take of them while it is our watch.

Like I said,