The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48605   Message #731195
Posted By: Big Mick
16-Jun-02 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat accounts and commitee?
What is funny, Shenandoah, is that everyone here knows who you are, as well as your level of honor. You accuse us of sheltering, when what we are really saying is, if you don't like it, don't come. Your track record is laughable and your arguments circular. The fact is, the DT is available to anyone in any number of formats. Dick and Susan have their own reasons for maintaining it the way they do, and Max provides it a home. Don't like it? Create your own.

As far as Max responding to donations, sure he should. But we aren't walking in his brogans just now. If folks would really think about it, they would realize that just keeping the thing going (in his apartment no less) is all that we require and should be greatful for.

And shenandoahchild, you might want to adopt an identity that isn't so easy to see through.
