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Thread #48622   Message #732633
Posted By: Den
18-Jun-02 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who will win the World Cup?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will win the World Cup?
I think if I had to bet, I wouldn't bet against Brazil. A lot has been said about the weakness of their defence but can they score goals. That will be England's task to keep the ball away from Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho. This is only my oppinion but I think England will try to pummle the Brazilian defence with crosses using Heskie if he is selected to knock the ball down for Owen if he is fit. The trick will be to get the ball at the Brazilian defence. Beckham is good at that but unfortunately he will be coming up against a man who has neutralized him before one Roberto Carlos. It has the makings of a hreat game but I think that Brazil will edge England.

Germany have not impressed me at all in this competition but I think that they will beat the US. The US have played very well and done the business against some very good teams. They beat Portugal but having said that I don't think I have seen Portugal play quite so badly. They did very well against Mexico but I feel that they know Mexico and they know how to play against them. They lost against Poland and that was telling because I think the Germans will play like that. The US are fit but the Germans will have it over them technically. Klose for example will be hard to contain.

Turkey I think will bring Senegals magnificent run to an end. Senegal have pulled off some incredible upsets but Turkey have been very good and were extremely unlucky against Brazil. They play with real flare and like Senegal they have been considered underdogs throughout the competition so they play with that nothing to lose attitude.

Finally I think that Korea will beat Spain. They have home advantage and are on a real run with great self belief. Spain look tired and that was very evident in the game against Ireland. Korea look fit and will run the Spanish off the park.

Only time will tell but for what its worth that's my prediction. Den