The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48240   Message #732750
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Jun-02 - 03:27 AM
Thread Name: Left Hand Problem
Subject: RE: Left Hand Problem

I've said it in a few other threads, recently. With a few problems I don't like to name (call me supersticious about giving them power*g*) I've had to look into alternatives to steroids, prescription pain meds, etc. One of the things which has helped me, more than anything, is accupuncture. I know you are out in the boonies, but if there is anyway for you to get to a good one, I would give an accupuncturist a try. Also I would look into homeopathic treatments. I am amazed at how much arnica montana helped after I fell and was expecting lots of bruises. I hardly had any from starting it right away. Jenellen also used it after a car accident which banged her up and was very pleased with the effect.

Before I started acu. I had been on pain meds for over 30 years and, recently, sleeping meds. Now, I only take an occasional sleeping pill when I've had an esp. stressful day, no pain meds at all. One thing I use almost every night is also part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and that is Zhen Gu Shui which translates to "middle bone water." It is a tincture which one dribbles on the affected area. I use it on tennis elbow, sore shoulders and wrists. The Chinese traditionalists use it to literally help heal bone breaks. The easiest way is to cut the end out of a sock, pull it up onto your wrist, hand, arm, wherever it hurts and is stiff, then, using an eyedropper, saturate the cloth. It has menthol in it, so will feel cold, but is really quite warming. If you are VERY careful, you can also apply natural heat, i.e. a heated up wheat hull pillow, BUT not too hot as the heat will intensify the effects and could cause a burn. The other thing one can do is to lay a piece of gauze over the sore part and drizzle the tincture on that way. You can also spray it on, but that makes it feel even colder and msot people cannot tolerate it as well that way. This stuff really works well. I have a good supply of it. If you'd like I'd be happy to send you a bottle of it to try out.

The things others have mentioned, keeping it warm, wax/paraffin bath, rest and gentle exercise (even stroking a cat counts and they are warm!), and a good PT are all good, as well as staying out of the sun when it is at its strongest, as that can cause flare ups.

With all good wishes,
