The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47925   Message #733176
Posted By: CarolC
19-Jun-02 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the terrorists? Part 113
Subject: RE: Who are the terrorists? Part 113
I liked Carol's picture: The Palestinians are as uncompromising and unable to reason as the bends of a road are.

Well, Wolfang, you're certainly entitled to interpret my words in whatever way you like, since I left them open to interpretation. However, when it comes to the question of being willing to compromise and reason, with Israel's track record in that regard, and considering the stance they are taking and sticking to like glue, I see no alternative for them but to kill all of the Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Territories, or chase them out of the country.

But then they're going to have to deal with the other countries in the region that they are going to destabilize if they do that, so I guess that means they're going to have to kill an awful lot of Arabs in other countries as well. They might even have to use some of those nuclear weapons they've got before they feel completely secure.

DougR, I never get into spitting contests with you over anything. Being the scholar that you are, I have always assumed that you wanted to have a good grasp of the facts of any subject that is being discussed, and that is what I sought to provide for you in my last couple of posts.

By the way, it wasn't my ancestors who did that to the Indians. My ancestors weren't here then.