The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47925   Message #733204
Posted By: Fadac
19-Jun-02 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the terrorists? Part 113
Subject: RE: Who are the terrorists? Part 113
I havn't been here for a while, but I thought I'd toss in my $0.02 worth.

A good example of how terrorism really works.

Where terrorism is really working is right here in the old US of A. After the tragic events of 9/11, Americans were jumping up and down to "Do Somethng". We know what happend then. Now some "reliable source" of that group only has to say something like, "We hate your American Hamburgers", then what? Tanks at MacDonalds? For a terrorist to be really successfull, they need a big reaction from little imput. I think they are just bringing stuff up to watch us jump through hoops.

Their laughing their butts off at us. All they have to do is say "Boo!" and we jump out of our skins.

I also think we need to (colectivly) calm down and do some serious thinking, before we give up every freedome we ever had, so the bad boogy man terrorist dosn't get us in our sleep.

It seems like what is desired (I have no idea by whom) that we should have heavy shutters on our windows, lock all the doors, hide in the dark, have the police portect us, there is nothing more secure that a self built prison.

Ok, I rambled a bit.

Best wishes to all
