The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48734   Message #733347
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Jun-02 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat - don't leave home without it!
Subject: Mudcat - don't leave home without it!
On this evening's local news, Roger's tv station featured a story about two young Canadian singer/songwriters who are making their way down and across America in an old Dodge cargo van with no money, a few CDs, and a couple of lawn chairs. I think they call themselves "Five Mile High" or maybe it was "Five on High?" I will find out because I plan to go visit them and check out their CD.

Anyway, they are sleeping in their van, in the parking lot of WalMart and when they rolled into town they had $1.25 to their name with no gas, etc. They have a couple of gigs coming up, they don't sound half bad, and they are young, so they are having a good time, BUT when Rog and I were talking about it, he said, "They shouldn't have left home without their Mudcat...then they'd have all kinds of places to stay and food to eat!"

So, I shall do my part as a Mudcat ambassador, as many of you do all of the time, drive over to WallyWorld and buy one of their CDs and take them a printout of the Mudcat Homepage with an invite to come join us sometime. It is good to see young people havingsuch a good time sharing their acoustic music as they go along the way.

kat...we don't take Visa, Mastercard, or American Express, just have yer Mudcat badge or teeshirt handy!