The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47925   Message #733354
Posted By: DougR
19-Jun-02 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the terrorists? Part 113
Subject: RE: Who are the terrorists? Part 113
How anyone could question who the real terrorists are is beyond me. That does not mean that I am anti-Palestinian! The Palestinian terrorists are hoodlum gangs that operate independent of the population. They are led, I believe, by Yassar Arafat. If he were truly a Palestenian leader, he would seek peaceful means to achieve a state. Instead, he and his terrorist thugs are bent on only one thing in my opinion: destroy Israel, and kill as many Israelis as possible, including innocent men women and children.

Carol, your comment that the news services only report Israeli deaths and not Palestenian deaths (or words to that effect) just boggles my mind. The news services, I think, would LOVE to report that Israeli forces killed 20, 30, 50, or more Palestinians. Look what they did when the Palestinian propaganda machine promoted the report that there was a massacre in Jenen(Sp). They had a media feeding frenzy, and as it turned out, there was no massacre at all.

Palestinian terrorists killed more civilians in the past two days than was killed in that action, and I ask again, where is the outrage those of you who consider yourselves to be liberals, about what has happend in Jerusalem the past two days?

If the news was reversed (Israeli forces killed almost 50 innocent Palestinians), you would be on it like flies on you know what.

