The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47925   Message #733500
Posted By: GUEST,JTT
20-Jun-02 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the terrorists? Part 113
Subject: RE: Who are the terrorists? Part 113
What baffles me is how stupid two intelligent groups are being. It must be obvious to the Palestinians that every suicide bombing arouses increased Israeli agression; it must be obvious to the Israelis that every state-sponsored invasion arouses increased suicide bombings.

Obviously the two sides' violence is feeding emotionally off each other's responses.

If they're not going to end up in a nuclear war - and I'm speaking literally here - both sides are going to have to realise that they must find agreement, compromise and respect for each other's needs.

The Palestinians need their own country - the Israelis came in and stole their land, after all! - and the Israelis also need theirs.

There could be advantages on both sides if they co-operated: the Israelis agreeing to

* *stop* building settlements

* withdraw from the land invaded in 1967, and help the Palestinians to set up a State of Palestine

* help the Palestinians with education and training and money, in the way that the Americans helped the Israelis when they were setting up their country

* respect the Palestinians' borders and culture

while the Palestinians agreed to

* *respect* the Israelis' borders of 1967

* respect and help the Jewish culture

* work to make Palestine as great a country as Israel

And so on. It can be done.