The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48750   Message #733621
Posted By: fogie
20-Jun-02 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: Fighting over Bo Diddly - 12/8 time?
Subject: Fighting over Bo Diddly 12/8
After a pleasant evening in our local with a couple of other musicians, as sometimes happens we started expounding our hobby horses on this and that musically. When there was just two of us left talking, my aquaintance started a conversation about how fascinated she was with linking Bo Diddly's rhythm with some African country's drum rhythms. All very reasonable until she quoted that his rhythm was in 12/8. I said that Bo's time signature was I thought 4/4, and the discussion got heated. I asked her to explain what exactly she meant by 12/8 and she wouldn't, and slated me in front of the bartender. I dont like bad feelings, and thought I'd air the debate to see if I've misunderstood something. All I can think of that has happened is that she's counted the syncopated beats within the 8 bars as 12 beats, or maybe I'm totally up the spout??