The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10508   Message #73364
Posted By: Charlie Baum
25-Apr-99 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: Place names
Subject: RE: Place names
Pennsylvania has placed state colleges in towns named California and Indiana, so I know someone who went to California State University--in California, Pennsylvania.

New Jersey offers us Double Trouble, Ong's Hat, and Manunka Chunk Junction. (No I'm not making these up--look at a map!)

I've been to Accident, Maryland. A town which was surveyed twice, by accident. Downtown is a gas station and repair shop: the Accident Garage. The other peculiar thing about the town is that the two main streets are North Street and South Street, but the town is divided in half, but not the way you'd expect: there's North North Street and South North Street, and North South Street and South South Street.

-Charlie Baum