The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48687   Message #733659
Posted By: PeteBoom
20-Jun-02 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell To Mudcat II
Subject: RE: BS: Farewell To Mudcat II
In fairness, Jon's point is a good one. I tend to agree that in this cyber-realm, creating a new forum does not by definition detract from any other forum. It MAY add great value - and, when combined, result in value greater than the summ of the individual pieces. Best of luck to you.

Also in fairness, most of the "Shatner" threads I've seen lately were old threads that were refreshed lately. Not that I'm thrilled with the BS: threads in general. However, I'm also not interested in many of the music threads. Those I am, then I keep an eye on.

Ah well, just me mebbe...
