The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48803   Message #734776
Posted By: Haruo
22-Jun-02 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Naked Bicyclists - gotta go!
Subject: Naked Bicyclists - gotta go!
About 45 minutes till the start of the 31st annual Fremont [Seattle] Fair Solstice Parade, which includes as a famous attraction (or repulsion) guerrilla bands of naked bicyclists (or nearly naked; sometimes they sport a fair amount of green body paint).

Gotta shower, clothe myself so I don't get taken for one of them, figure out where I put my camera, and walk the one block from my domicile to the parade route.

I think Dusty Strings is having some kind of get-together this weekend, maybe I'll go to it.

I'll be in touch.
