The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48803   Message #735247
Posted By: Don Firth
23-Jun-02 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Naked Bicyclists - gotta go!
Subject: RE: BS: Naked Bicyclists - gotta go!
Fremont—otherwise known as "The Center of the Universe"—is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. In fact, there are those who maintain that Fremont IS a barrel of monkeys!!

Where else would one find an actual troll under an actual bridge? Not an internet twit style troll, but a genuine, traditional, billy goat harassing troll? Under the north end of the Aurora Avenue bridge in Fremont (not under the 1-90 bridge as some tourist-oriented website erroneously states). Fremont has it's own mayor. He sits here, with a number of others, "Waiting for the Interurban." These are only two of the many phenomena that one can gaze upon and ponder.

I live on Capitol Hill in Seattle, but I could happily live in the Fremont District. It has just about everything a folkie—or anyone but the walking dead—could want. Dusty Strings, where John Peekstok works is right there on the corner of N. 34th Street and Fremont Avenue N., and within a minute or two's walk, one finds the Wit's End Bookstore and Tea Shop and the Still Life Coffeehouse. Both of these establishments host open mikes, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings respectively. All this, and nude bicyclists, too!

If you're ever in Seattle, or even if you're already here, here's a website that gives little history of the area and shows you how to find it.

Seattle's Fremont District is a Mudcat kinda place.

Don Firth