The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48803   Message #736310
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
25-Jun-02 - 02:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Naked Bicyclists - gotta go!
Subject: RE: BS: Naked Bicyclists - gotta go!
Skipjack-this also works with TV licence inspectors, to the american people who wonder what i am talking about-In the UK we have to buy a special licence to watch TV, at a cost of over 100 pounds, this goes to fund the state TV service (the bbc) they provide 2 TV channels. If you don't have a valid licence they can send you to jail for 6 months.(I am not joking about this,it's true!), but they cannot enter your property without a search warrant, so don't let them in.