The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48803   Message #736419
Posted By: Midchuck
25-Jun-02 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Naked Bicyclists - gotta go!
Subject: RE: BS: Naked Bicyclists - gotta go!
Well, American network TV is so dumb that a great many people pay $20-$50 a month for cable service, depending on how many "premium" (i. e., with dirty movies)channels they get. So if the State TV channel has any good stuff, it's not such a bad deal.

Myself, I had the cable disconnected years ago, and I don't watch TV except for video movies bought or rented. (We live in a valley between two bunches of hills, and can't get much of anything over the air without cable or satellite service.) I figured I was wasting too much of my life staring into a video screen. Then I got onto the internet...
