The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10508   Message #73666
Posted By: Frank in the swamps
27-Apr-99 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: Place names
Subject: RE: Place names
In the late nineteenth century Florida was a very wild place, cow hunters down here spent more time stealing cattle than tending them. A few miles northwest of Kissimmee (there's a placename for ya) a posse caught up with a fella called Needham Yates, or "Needs" in a scrub. They stood the poor guy up on a pine stump and shot him all to hell. The place is called Needs Scrub. The same posse got bogged down in marshy area further north near a creek which has since borne the name, Boggy Creek.

Also, Yeehaw junction, Fla.

Frank in the swamps.