The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31244   Message #737173
Posted By: Kaleea
26-Jun-02 - 03:17 AM
Thread Name: Help: telephone scam
Subject: RE: Help: telephone scam
I'm with Margo, if someone I don't know calls leaving a message to call back, and the reason for the call is not clear or sounds suspicious, I do not call back. I am notorious for looking up area codes out of curiosity, and sometimes check the phone/cross directory to see if it is listed. Nor do I open emails from those I don't know, and if they put something in the subjet line which I am curious about & think might be legit, I do it on my office 'puter where we have a tech guy out regularly! naughty me. Same for mail, I throw it away if it looks like junk. And if someone comes to my door I look to see who it is first, and if curious enough to open the door, and they ask to use my phone, I offer (through a locked storm door with phone at my ear) to make it for them "after I finish my call with my dear friend which I just got--oh, say in an hour or so," adding "or you might try the deputy sheriff across the street, I know he's home now." Speaking of opening the door to strangers, when I was quite young & inexperienced living in a far away GI town with my hubby who was on post at the time, some "regular Joe" looking character whom I did not know came to my door one morning, asking to use the phone, and I looked at him through the hook & eye locked screen door & told him I did not let strangers in my house, and slammed the door, locking it, and ran to be sure the back door & windows were locked. On the news that night, they told of a man in custody who raped & murdered a young woman in my neighborhood.