The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48622   Message #737566
Posted By: ard mhacha
26-Jun-02 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who will win the World Cup?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will win the World Cup?
Wolfgang, You are being too crictical of the German teams of the past, the sides Franz Beckenbaer played for could never be accused of being boring. Fritz Walters team of 1954 were far from being a dull side, I can remember Helmut Rahn thundering down the wing and God help the defender that got in the way, he was not alone in a fine team.,they conned the great Hungarians in that Cup by losing 8-3 in an earlier round but when the Final arrived Walter`s side were not found wanting. I can remember in that 1954 World Cup Germany beat Turkey 7-2, so boring dosen`t apply to those great teams. Sorry Wolfgang this present team despite defying all the odds and reaching another Final will lose out to an ordinary looking Brazil team. But I wish Germany good luck. Ard Mhacha.