The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48970   Message #738130
Posted By: MMario
27-Jun-02 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: WHY DOESN'T SOMEONE? (part II)
Subject: WHY DOESN'T SOMEONE? (part II)
As I am coming into my "busy season" - where I will be away from the computer for 3 or four days a week most of the summer (northern hemisphere). I am going to repeat a thread I did last year. Partially to remind people there are several ongoing projects - and partially to alert newcomers to them. If someone else wants to jump in here and add their own pet projects (such as DT-Study threads, or the gospel thread/index, whatever - please feel free to post particulars and contact information.

"Wouldn't it be nice if?" "Why doesn't someone...?" "I wish that someone would..." "Why can't someone...?"

Phrases heard a lot; in a lot of different situations.

But there are a lot of situations where the "someone" can be *YOU*


For instance, take finding the tunes to the songs in the DT without tunes. I've lost track of the number of people who have helped with this - and a lot of people get scared off because they "don't know how to do it" - but it could be as simple as mailing a photocopy of the music!


someone asked in another thread about Child's Ballads on the web, or Bronson's tunes. One reply was that without a grant it probably would never get done...well there are bunches of people here on the cat that are more then capable of typing text into their computers, and we could probably find someone to coordinate it!

There are probably lots of other worthy manuscripts for which the same could be done - and there are simple programs to allow the music to be input as well!

Anyway - think about it phoaks...Instead of saying 'Why doesn't someone...' - *BE* the someone...

it doesn't have to be something huge - but a lot of people doing a lot of little things can make a big difference... "

From: Hollowfox Date: 25-Apr-01 - 12:24 PM

This has probably been answered before, but is there an easy way to find a list of tunes needed?

Yes! both a list of "missing tunes" and a list of "found tunes" are available through me. I update them every couple days - daily when things are hopping. PM MMario with an e-mail address or e-mail to to request the list.

From: MMario Date: 25-Apr-01 - 03:10 PM

what we use for submission to the Digital Tradition is a straight, unornamented melody line. Makes it easy to enter - (I don't read music - so I basically just count lines and make the symbols all the same as on the printed music)

Per Dick Greenhaus Noteworthy Composer Files (NWC)are now his preferred means of receiving a tune submission.

since not everyone wants to learn Noteworthy - or use it, or are capable of using it (it doesn't have a mac version) I will take midi files and attempt to set the lyrics against them. (if I can't, or what I do doesn't look "right" - Joe Offer double checks me )

I will also accept abc files for the same thing.

I will also take scanned images and transcribe them.

I will also take NWC files and forward to Joe Offer (mainly to keep track of what has been submitted - to avoid duplication of effort and to prevent Joe from having to do it.)

And yes, I acknowledge who sent me what when I pass it on.

From: Malcolm Douglas Date: 25-Apr-01 - 04:56 PM

If I might just add a postscript, please, when submitting a tune, do say where you got it from; with traditional songs in particular, there are often quite a few entirely different ones associated with songs of the same title, and the wrong tune can sometimes be worse than no tune at all! Not everyone thinks so, mind.


Malcolm makes an excellent point!

Current thread where "found" tunes are posted when submitted - Malcolm also uses this as a location to post background information and source when he submits a tune. (and sometimes things veer off track - but this is primarily a "working thread" for the tune hunt.

There are several similar projects going on that I am not qualified to post details on. Hopefully the people co-ordinating them will post details.