The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48998   Message #738758
Posted By: George Seto -
28-Jun-02 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat 'virtual' library proposal
Subject: RE: Mudcat 'virtual' library proposal
It's a great idea. Not sure if it has been suggested before, but I know people have mentioned various songbooks they have.

It's similiar to the offer I made to a number of Gaelic song interest people. I have created an index of my books (not complete yet) of Gaelic songs. This gives title, and lists the various books and page numbers that hold that song. That way *I* don't have to find it, just have the people tell me the name of the song, and the page number.

AS I get the index completed, any song which is found online, will have a link to it. At some point in time, we could eventually (MANY years down the road) have ALL of these songs available online.