The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48936   Message #738816
Posted By: Declan
28-Jun-02 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: The great Irish Song theft conspiracy
Subject: RE: BS: The great Irish Song theft conspiracy

You may very well have some good points to make there, but to my mind making generalised comments about "the English" and "the Brits" is also arrogant and bigoted.

That is the kind of behaviour I was giving out about in my original post, whether it is perpetrated by a British person towards "the Irish" or an Irish person towards "the Brits".

We are all individuals ("I'm not") and while there may be certain national traits or ways of behaving it does nobody any good if a whole nation (or race or whatever you want to call it) gets tarred with the same brush becuse of the actions or a percieved attitude of a few people.