The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49030   Message #739175
Posted By: GUEST,In a quandary
28-Jun-02 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: Help! Open Stage and C**p performers
Subject: Help! Open Stage and C**p performers
It has to stop .. it just has to stop .. you run an open mic and every session you get some appalling performers along who (this week grabbed my list out my hand to see who else I had when I said we were full!)

I've tried rigidly enforcing prebooked slots only - partily successful - except your regulars good performers think that doesn't apply to them. I've tried stretching out good floor spots to squeeze em out. I've tried "New faces! - they could be fantastic, they could be crap - oh, it WAS crap! Sorry, my paying audience - we have highs and lows at this club - thank goodness for the highs - even though you might wait weeks and test your powers of endurance, loyalty and patience waiting for them"

Why, oh why, is it in the 'folkish' world we inhabit - is it okay to sing and perform appallingly and think (or not realise) that it is "only fair" that everyone gets a turn - so long as we are keeping the tradition alive or everyone is entitled to a chance, when some people should actually be confined to their bedrooms as a public health hazard?

Why is it learning one chord or strumming and singing out of tune entitles someone to instantly call themselves a MUSICIAN and thus have an EGO that they are good enough to inflict it on everyone, fer krissake? Would any other profession put up with dismal or nonexistent standards? Example - at a concert of World Class musicians and your no-hoper gives you to understand that there is no difference between what they do and what he/she does !!!! Are we just TOO nice to these people? Shouldn't we put them out of our misery?