The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48998   Message #739506
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
29-Jun-02 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat 'virtual' library proposal
Subject: RE: Mudcat 'virtual' library proposal
Life of a Man was going for about £9.80; using beer prices as an inflation index (the only way I know), probably about the same as the original 12/6d, though there'll be the shipping on top, of course. Still not bad, I think. I didn't buy many of those books when they were still in print, as I was a poor student and didn't read music anyway; actually, I still don't, but computers do it for me now. Wish I had picked such things up then, though; there are still books I can't seem to get hold of anywhere. Are there any spare copies of Purslow's Foggy Dew out there that haven't fallen to bits, I wonder?

I don't mind listing the books I have, but I'm not going to list all the contents any day soon. I've indexed fewer than a third (mostly the shorter ones), and that's more that 4,000 songs already (including duplicates in different books, of course); quite apart from the tunebooks. Besides, such an index is of limited use without -in the case of traditional songs- first lines and sources etc. This sort of thing would probably be of most use to people who already know what they need and roughly where it is, but can't get hold of it directly.