The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49093   Message #740391
Posted By: Lepus Rex
01-Jul-02 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
Subject: RE: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
What did you mean, mkbenn, by "However many people were hurt/killed, it was unintended, unlike flying airplanes full of innocent people into buildings. I grieve, but in contex"? You mean they didn't mean to kill anyone with those bombs they dropped? It was all just an awful mistake? Please. US soldiers such as those responsible for todays massacres have shown over and over that they have no respect for Afghan lives. Most of them are cretins who spent their childhoods raping Ned Beatty and shooting 'possums for dinner. Savages.

But what, exactly, does 9/11 have to do with the evaporation of an Afghan wedding party? How were a bunch of Afghan hillbillies responsible for "flying airplanes full of innocent people into buildings?"

Oh, maybe they were the ones who blew up Amos' "third tower."

And Banjoest said: "Don't forget, it was hate for the US that started this mess and they were the first ones to fire on us. Pay back is a bitch." Again, WHAT Afghans are you talking about? How... Oh, forget it. I won't even try with something like you. Just continue to take up valuable oxygen, genius. You couldn't find Afghanistan on a map of Afghanistan.

God, you're some evil fuckers.

---Lepus Rex