The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49093   Message #740771
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
02-Jul-02 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
Subject: RE: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
Bombing an Afghan wedding is a tragic mistake. Intentionally attacking and murdering thousands of innocents at the World Trade Center was homicide. The action in Afghanistan by the US has been directed toward removing a criminal theocracy that repressed and murdered its own people and supported and gave safe harbor to Al Quaeda. The overthrow of this fundamentalist theocracy was largely supported by Afghan citizens.

I am also largely ignorant of Afghan Cultural habits. I do know this : bullets fired into the air return to earth at roughly the same speed. Recently, a 6 year old child at the Denver Zoo was fatally wounded by a round fired into the air several miles away. Thus, I would deduce that this kind of activity, culturally based or not, is stupid and dangerous and should be stopped. My guess is that, in a land where there is no existing tradition of law and order, the guy with the gun gets to make the rules whether they are stupid and dangerous or not.

My guess is that Iraq is next in line. And, though I didn't vote for Bush either, I hope to hell we do find a way to yank Sadam Hussein like the rotten tooth he is.

And Guest "who hates America"...feel free. I'm sure your country has no enemies, and that you'll never have to dig bodies of your countrymen from a smoking rubble that was the result of someone's religious fanaticism. Sit in your ivory tower and condemn those of us who did.