The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49120   Message #740853
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jul-02 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: DISCUSS--Polit.Correct-Bush-fascism?????
Subject: RE: DISCUSS--Polit.Correct-Bush-fascism?????
There is a nasty biproduct of democracy, the way it is practiced in the US, and it has some elements of fascism inherently in it. The majority does get to impose its will on the minority, no matter how you cut it. It's always been this way.

I guess what makes these times a little scarier are the folks who have gotten into power, because in the name of "security" they are repeating some of the things that Hitler did in the 30's. Except it's even easier for this administration than it was for Hitler because they don't have to go out and kill folks to take control of information, they allready own it, lock, stock and barrel. And also in this inforamtion/ misinformation age, when you couple your ownership interests with a population of people who are also controled by their own economic pressures, it's not difficult to see how the majority is created.

So, yeah, we do have a nation of sheep who are willing to let their freedoms go in the name of freedom, and their liberties go in the name of security. Bad mix.
