The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49093   Message #740943
Posted By: Donuel
02-Jul-02 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
Subject: RE: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
Spotters with a laser
painted their target
but a finger lingered
too long on the trigger
and swept across the land
as the pointer was set down.
It briefly splashed
a hospital two miles away.

The bomb knows
no right or wrong
It follows the orders
that were given.
An AC 130 needs eyes
and fingers to hit a target.
The gun camera was lost.

If anyone here knows
why these two people
should not be joined
speak now or forever
hold your peace.
No one spoke
as flame and schrapnel
tore through eyes and throats.

US words said
over the dead ;

"stray bomb.
collateral damage.
fog of war.
friendly fire.
pure accident.
If innocent are lost
there is always regret*.

We know what we don't know
and we don't know what happened*
things are better than they were*.
the road is sometimes bumpy*.
There is no official condemnation
without official confirmation.*"

It is not the same as the women
who faced religious execution.
There was no beating or waiting.
The orphans have a tale to tell.
The dead hold their peace
all the same.

*quotes by Rumsfeld 7-2-2002