The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49120   Message #740990
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jul-02 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: DISCUSS--Polit.Correct-Bush-fascism?????
Subject: RE: DISCUSS--Polit.Correct-Bush-fascism?????
Art: While I find Bush and Co. very distasteful, Bill Clinton, behind the smile and charm, was no saint. He was very much a corporate puppet. Just did a better job than Bush of hiding it. Bush wears it proudly, which I think does say something about his intellegnce, or lack there of. But, hey, you gotta hand it to the right wing. They have created a world situation that with their careful and deliberate program of misinformantion and opinion manipulation that, for now, they're winning big and the world's working class is loosing big. And the Third World, well, loosing even bigger...
