The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49120   Message #741003
Posted By: DonMeixner
02-Jul-02 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: DISCUSS--Polit.Correct-Bush-fascism?????
Subject: RE: DISCUSS--Polit.Correct-Bush-fascism?????
Lets don't forget we are speaking of politicians here. And without meaning to be snide, rude, cynical or be branded an anarchist lets remember they are only as honest and forthright with us as it suits their agenda.

Personally, I don't think either Bush or Clinton could lie straight in the Lincoln bedroom. Regarding truth or lies, Clinton got caught at it. Bush hasn't yet.

I am told by many that Clinton was just as involved with Enron as Bush is. I don't know this is a fact but it wouldn't surprise me. Big business knows where to butter it's bread politically and there for I am sure business is as entrenched in the Republican's as it is in the Democrats.

I live in a small village, I can help to shape my world at that level so I do. So should we all I think. And if we can shape our villages we can shape our counties and states. I ain't so sure about the federal government tho'.
