The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49120   Message #741017
Posted By: artbrooks
02-Jul-02 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: DISCUSS--Polit.Correct-Bush-fascism?????
Subject: RE: DISCUSS--Polit.Correct-Bush-fascism?????
The problems with labels, like PC and liberal (my own pet hate, as a label not as a concept), is that people throw them around as if they knew what the label itself actually meant. "Fascism" is an economic concept that means centralized control of privately-owned industry, and owes its name to the (not particularly successful) policies of Mussolini's government. I don't think anyone would argue that George Dubya is in favor of central control of much of anything that involves the rich 1%. It is entirely possible to be narrow-minded and to want to impose your own standards on everyone as if only your opinion could possibly have any value without espousing failed economic theories.

What we actually have in this country is an oligarchy, and that's probably true any place where either the voting franchise is restricted (legally or effectively) or it costs so much to get elected to anything meaningful that only the independently wealthy can participate.