The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48959 Message #741172
Posted By: Barry Finn
03-Jul-02 - 01:19 AM
Thread Name: South Australia:What the hell's a 'Rolling King'?
Subject: RE: What the hell's a 'Rolling King'?
"Rolling Down To Old Maui" is what you'd do once you hit the trades (depending on weather & sea conditions) sailing to or from the U.S. West Coast & Maui (this happens in all oceans, I've only been in them sailing from Maui to L.A.). The rollers are long & wide ocean swells usually caused by storm systems that continue to roll long after the storm has died down. Usually heading in the same direction as wind. They travel great distances causing the ocean itself to become a long rolling (not rough) sea. The height of these swells can be quite high from crest to trough but they can also be extremely wide so that the motion is a continueous long roll (not an unpleasant motion either). A vessel could to roll across the ocean for days & days on end, if your course is set correct to take advantage of them & you have your sails set just so you would only have to touch the helm once & a while to make minor corrections to your course (unless your ste up for self-steering). Now I don't know if any of this has to do with Rolling Kings or not but I'd say that there's some wiggle room here. Barry