The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49093   Message #741173
Posted By: GUEST,Pean O'Graffey
03-Jul-02 - 01:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
Subject: RE: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
I find this thread disturbing on several levels. First because I am a guest from an arse-spelling part of the world and find the word "hate" offensive in what should be a reasonably intelligent debate. Second, because governments of all western alleged democracies have taken actions against the wishes of most of their constituents, and taken those actions in the name of those constituents, claiming a mandate to do so. In this none of us are any better or worse than the others. Third, the reporting of the wedding being bombed was irresponsible and emotive propaganda. Does it matter that it was a wedding and not a building site? Or a jail? That they were civilians is all that's relevant, and all we should be discussing.