The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49093   Message #741529
Posted By: SharonA
03-Jul-02 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
Subject: RE: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
Strange... The AP report that JTT posted says that the guy who was to be married, along with his fiancee, were not at the party and were not injured. Yet the Reuters report reprinted by ABC, NBC and CBS says that the bride and groom were killed. Obviously we don't have the whole story yet.

But the AP story doesn't convince me that the artillery that fell into the midst of the crowd at the party came from the US plane and not from those "several locations around the village" that were firing at the plane. The AP report says that several hundred people were dancing to the light of one tractor's headlights, so it sounds like most of them were in the dark; how could they have discerned, in the dark, where the shells were coming from?

The AP report also says that the survivors are insistent that there had been no shooting at the party for several hours before the attack. There's no way that the US airship could have mistaken wedding-party gunfire for hostile fire when there wasn't any wedding-party gunfire!