The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49093   Message #741578
Posted By: DonD
03-Jul-02 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
Subject: RE: BS: Bomb an Afghan Wedding. Well done USA!
A bumper sticker for sale at the Clearwater Revival says "DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU THINK"

What good advice, but how impossible to act on. Those who conclude anything with "I hate ..." obviously started with the idea "I hate".

We know we can't believe what news reports say, or what generals say, or -- politicians. The expression 'I couldn't believe my eyes' is more truth than poetry; eyewitness descriptions are the last evidence to rely on. Basically we don't know shit.

If we only talked about what we really know to be true rather than we think or believe, how little we would say, and what a blessing it would be.

But there'd always be music.